Emmy (Mer. Sweet Child O Mine) oli Tartu rahvuslikul näitusel 2. augustil 2015 Ülenurmes Tõu Parim Juunior ja lõpuks Vastassugupoole parim!
Kohtunik: Petroula Richard (Prantsusmaa): attractive female, nicely balanced head and muzzle, lovely topline, correct tailset, short loin and nice angulations, very nice movement.
Päev varem (2.augustil) nii hästi meil ei läinud, Emmy sai hindeks “Väga hea”:
Kohtunik Maria Luise Doppelreiter (Austria): Nice type, very nice head, eyes could be a bit darker, good shoulders, very good hindqurters, strong body, carring a bit too much weight, in movement she should be a much better, would like more reach and drive, good coat, needs harder condition.