Judge: Audrone Babianskiene (LT). Merrilow Damaskus was Open Class exc/2 and Best Male-2! Forest Fan Emma was BOB Veteran, Best Female-4 and BIS-2 Veteran. View: Read More
Category: Koerad
Emma 8.a. sünnipäev
MERRILOW ELISA silmauuringud: ei esine PRA, HC, RD nähte; see tähendab, et silmad on korras!
Tartu Rahvuslik näitus 10. jaanuaril 2009
Judge: A.-C. Johanson, SWE Merrilow Elisa was open EXC/1, got EST CC and was Best Female-3. What a nice day!
Silmauuringud 13. jaanuaril 2008
Forest Fan Emma – all clear (no PRA, HC, RD) ! Merrilow Elisa – all clear no (PRA, HC, RD) !
Rahvuslik näitus Tartus 12. jaanuaril 2008
Judge: Eeva Rautala (kennel Wetten, FIN) Forest Fan Emma – Open Class 2nd.
Uus koer kodus
Merrilow Elisa aka Berta now lives with us. Albums are added on our dogs pages.
E-pesakond 4-nädalaselt
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